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Who is your banner for?

who your banner header is for

Every one of you with a business wants to make sure that your businesses get noticedand your goods or services are wanted and bought. Some of you are also thinking about business development, image, reputation, or just want to maintain it. All of this can be effectively achieved with the right banner advertising, because visual content is the most engaging and most responsive to users. So you're sure to get noticed and achieve your business goals.


3 ways to use banner advertising for your business

You can use image, video and text advertising in banner ads very effectively:

a) Increase awareness of your company or brand;

b) Selling your goods or services and creating demand;

c) Post job and other advertisements, collect information.

Let's look at these points in more detail:


Increase awareness of your company or brand

The purpose of advertising - creating an imageto strategically engage consumers with a company or brand, and to build reputation. Encourage consumers to remember image advertisements with visual and textual content associated with the advertised company or brand, quality and its values. In other words, the company or brand must be 'imprinted' in the consumer's memory and influence future choices. Coca-Cola is a very good example. Its advertisements are easily recognisable and its name seems to shine on the shelves, inviting you to buy it and pleasantly reminding you of one of its advertisements. The image you see will always have an impact on the consumer's choice of services, goods or even workplace. Advertising must be relevant, persuasive, impressive, colourfully solid and easily recognisable, that invites you to visit the website or the brand store.


Sell your goods or services and create demand

The purpose of advertising is to increase demand, announce promotions, offers, new products and encourage purchases. The aim is to reach the consumer quickly and in a targeted way, highlighting the benefits of a particular service or product. You've probably all seen the "Black Friday" headline and how people get sucked into it, or the carousels of discounts that keep catching our eye.

Advertising must distract consumers from competitors' services or goods and focus on quality, price or other benefits. These promotions are particularly helpful in attracting and generate website traffic and user demand, and increase sales.


Post job or other ads, collect information

The purpose of advertising is to collect data that will be used for recruitment and business marketing. Advertising needs to be clear, specific and inviting to find out more. We recommend posting career adverts, inviting people to fill in questionnaires, encouraging them to subscribe to newsletters, asking for contact details so your sales manager can get in touch, etc. These advertisements help you gather information faster. This is especially true for urgent jobseekers, as the advert can attract the interest of a user who is both passively looking for a job and not looking for a job.


What determines the effectiveness of banner advertising?

All of the above advertisements must stimulate positive curiosity and drive traffic to your website, if you have one, and generate sales from the landing page to which the user is directed when clicking on your banner. It should also be borne in mind that the context, image and headlines must also be appropriate for the segment and niche in question.

Banner advertising will be effective if you know what you want from your advertising, the segment you are advertising to, your budget and the quality of your advertising.

Banner advertising is a powerful tool that can have a big impact on your business!

We can help you

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