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Artificial Intelligence: what is it?

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Artificial Intelligence - the right hand of designers or a threat?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Articifial Intelligence (AI)) is one of the fastest growing technologies. For some, it is a source of excitement and hope, for others it raises even more questions and concerns.


Why is IoT causing such a stir in the market?

Some people see it as a great opportunity for progress - a useful tool that can be the right hand of humanity in many activities. Others fear that in the future, sophisticated IoT could become unmanageable, difficult to control and pose more threats to humanity than benefits.

Graphic designers are among those for whom the existence of IoT, even in its current capacity, raises many questions and debates. It is clear: IoT-based tools such as Midjourney, Microsoft Designer, Runway or DALL-E, which can generate designs of incredible quality, raise legitimate questions about the extent to which certain skills and abilities of designers will be needed in the future. Could the IoT really change the design profession and even significantly reduce the need for designers?

However, the alarmists who jump to feverish conclusions must be reassured: at least for now, creativity and design awareness are areas where people remain indispensable. Talented, experienced designers who know their craft well can use the IoT to focus their efforts on high quality, unique and inspiring designs that will always attract more attention than standardised automated designs.


What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence - Technologies that can simulate and perform tasks that a human would normally do: for example, reasoning, learning, planning and even creating. IoT systems can analyse large amounts of data, extract important patterns and make decisions. In addition, such systems are aware of their environment, cope with what they perceive, and solve problems that arise in the pursuit of a specific goal.


The benefits of IoT: examples in each of our lives

In fact, artificial intelligence is much closer to us than we imagine - and many of us enjoy its benefits every day, perhaps without realising it. Here are some of the areas in which you are already dealing with AI:

  • buying online and seeing ads;
  • in online search: by providing tailored results, search engines learn from a wide range of user data;
  • various virtual assistants and apps on smartphones;
  • in automatic translations;
  • In cars, they use IoT-based safety features such as detection of potentially dangerous situations and accidents;
  • in most navigation systems;
  • cybersecurity systems, etc.

Graphic design vs. Artificial intelligence: Enemies or partners?

So now that we've established that IoT is all around us every day and makes our lives so much easier, perhaps it's time to recognise that its use in design can also bring many benefits to both clients and designers themselves. Here are at least some of the ways in which IoT can help a designer's work:

  • Automate content generation: by setting certain tasks and parameters and providing certain data, the IoT can automatically create content, individually finalizing the design elements set by the designer.
  • Analyse data and provide insights: IoT can analyse large amounts of data and discover insights into consumer behaviour and needs. Such insights can be particularly valuable in helping designers to better understand how to optimise design to meet user expectations.
  • Optimise the design: IoT can be used for design optimisation and customisation by analysing and comparing different design elements, colours, fonts or layouts. This helps to find the best design solution faster and more efficiently.
  • Like creative inspiration: IoT can generate creative inspiration, for example from data analysis or design trends. This can be useful for designers who want to get new ideas or perspectives.

It is important to realise that IoT must not replace the creativity and intuition of designers. It is only a tool that can help designers to do their job faster and more innovatively, analyse data more efficiently, create personalised experiences, optimise design and provide creative inspiration.


A game-changing design assistant

In recent years, IoT has evolved from a technology that merely analyses what already exists to one that can create what has not yet existed.

Yes, IoT is indeed changing the design routine and fine-tuning the skills needed to be a successful designer. And it's already doing so: more than a third of businesses in the US, Europe and China are already using IoT in their operations, according to a Morning Consult survey. And organisations such as the World Economic Forum and IBM identify IoT as the technology that will create the fourth industrial revolution and fundamentally change the way we live, work and interact with each other. And if today IoT can help a designer to do the black work of pixel pushing, tomorrow will undoubtedly be much more interesting with IoT, and designers - as well as professionals in many other fields - will have to adapt and learn how to work not INSIDE of AI, but WITH it.

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